KillahGoat wrote:Hatelove-relationships never last.
Sometimes they're the ones that are the strongest and last the longest because they're so passionate and you can get caught up in the drama. I call them bipolar or manic/depressive relationships- when it's good nothing can compare to it but when they're bad it's like living in the bowels of the lowest level of hell. No one can hurt you more but the person who's hurt you is the only one that can fix it too.
I can completely sympathize with both of them- been there, done that. For me it came down a choice between being that passionately in love and my peace of mind. I chose my peace of mind. That was almost eight years ago-I'm still single but I'm alive, so is he, and neither one of us is medicated or in jail, which was a very real possibility. We have actually be able to be friends- that bond never goes away; we just can't be around each other for a long period of time (that usually means no more than a few hours). It all comes down to that single choice. For me the choice was much easier because for whatever reason I didn't have babies with him.