M-Pyre wrote:
just because dmx has a different and unique style to every rapper doesn't mean he doesn't fit in a song with eminem and obie trice. have you even heard "go to sleep" eminem did his own thing on the track, dmx did his own thing on the track, obie trice did his own thing on the track. and it was fucking dope. 3 styles in one track thats fucking crazy. so what the fuck are you talking about?[/quote]
your right, from now of on your opinion is my opinion.
and btw, go to sleep was dope as fuck, but only because em was on there!
if you would have removed x with another guy it would have been just as dope as this one from a lyrical point of view, why? because the dude sucks (always the same fucking thing rapped in the same fucking way, and brought in the same fucking package)
but your right, just because red and green are different from one another doesn't mean they should clash with each other..or wait, it does
just face it, without em (rap wise and beat wise) the song would have been "just a song" cause lyrically they both came normal[/quote]
true true!!
"Opening the book with Proof's chapter was real important for me," Eminem says. "Everything from my past moving into my future is marked by his passing. It's sort of like life when Proof was with us, and life after -- a real dividing factor. He means more to me than a book chapter could describe, but I'm glad I was able to put him first, like he did for me so many times." - THAT IS SOME REAL SHIT RIGHT THERE - FUCK YEAH - BIG PROOF 4 EVER!!!