ASP wrote:ayla wrote:i think it is hard to judge because we only know what kim said. we do not know eminems side and we do not know what was said after, did she ask him why he did that? did he apologise? why did he do it? and really i am sure we have all done fucked up things in our lives that we regret but no one talks about them cuz we are not famous. i am sure kim has done really bad things as well but of course she is not going to talk about her mistake for example running away from the police and your family and young children not knowing where their mother is. i do not think one of them is worse than the other they have both made mistakes like everyone does.
Im not trying to turn this into an eminem>kim conversation, i gave my judgement from what i heard. If people are so quick to judge Kim as they usually are, im sure im not any wrong seeing things from her perspective for once.
Plus i dont believe in making a song ur wife for millions of people where u reinact killing her, i always found that side of eminem a bit disrespectfull and ignorant.
i am not turning this into an eminem>kim convo lmao. but it's easy to just hear an interview and just believe every word, if you looked a bit past it you would probably see they are bad as each other. at the end of the day the song is fictional practically the only piece of reality in the song is her name. if having a song about murder is wrong then i guess films about it and books about it is wrong too.