Just two days ago, I finally put live the 'rewrite' of TRshady.com - where the underlying programming language has changed and lead to everything being rewritten from the ground up. The switchover took 10 minutes maximum and all seemed well - till I woke up yesterday morning to find the server down. turns out the bill payment hadn't gone through and the vagabonds and harlots at my hosting company pulled the plug.
All is well now but I'm sorry for those who went a whole 24 hours without TRshady.com, trust me - I felt it too. That said, the site is still likely to be unstable, you're likely to spot errors but I'll be spending my free time sharpening things up and I can guarantee ya'll that I'll be giving everything a look over to improve the performance here as I know things grind to a halt on many occasions.
I'll try not to let it happen again.. at least it was sunny outside yesterday.
Oh and there's 2 new smiles available for use, gotta take the good with the bad!