Miller wrote:Kill You wrote:Talk me out of buying an Xbox One.
You're gonna buy an Xbox One. It's ok. If you still dont want to drop Xbox because it's Xbox then dont. If your mind hasnt been changed yet it never will. It's ok. You said in the past you "switched" to PS4 but in reality you were never gonna drop Xbox. It's the same story with everyone that is sticking with Xbox. They are staying with it just because it's what they are used to. Nobody can tell you why Xbox One is better but they dont care.
Well, it was more of a challenge lol. I know I said I switched to PS4 but I'm just really uncomfortable about it. Whereas if I got an Xbox One I would be happy with my decision. It's not that I don't like the PS4 because it seems like a truly better system. It's just I'm so invested in Xbox I'm not sure if I can turn from them so easily.
I really want someone to tell me something about the PS4 that makes me totally say "fuck Xbox." My mind actually has been changed, because I know that the PS4 is truly the superior system as of right now. But there's just that feeling of being uncomfortable leaving Xbox.
I'm not getting either one right away, so I have time to get some feedback from others and make an educated decision. Because in all honesty, my mind HAS NOT been made up. I have never been so conflicted between two things in my life. And they're so SIMILAR that it makes it harder to decide. Part of me says PS4 and the other part says Xbox One and I wanted someone to try to dissuade me from Xbox One. Truly, I do. I want someone to save me from myself.