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Fallout 4 Might Be On the Horizon?

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Fallout 4 Might Be On the Horizon?

Postby ShadyOnFire » Nov 23rd, '13, 20:41

So recently there was a site discovered:

It gives a morse code. translates to Dec. 11 2013.
The reveal?

On my phone the website looks like this (pic not from phone)


EDIT/UPDATE: Mine has different letters and symbols and it gives two dates.

11/25 and 12/27 not sure what they're for yet.

someone could make an official thread for this, that would be amazing.
You thought I was lyin' when I said I think that I'm crossin' the line again?
I've lost my mind, caution oh God I think I've just thought of another fucking line

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Uncle Ronnie is driving, 'bout to burst in through the side door
Of Arkham Asylum and park in the dining room

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Re: Fallout 4 Might Be On the Horizon?

Postby Flamez » Nov 27th, '13, 02:21

OMG I hope so a Fallout 4 would be awesome!
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