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Would I regret selling the 360?

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Re: Would I regret selling the 360?

Postby Solace » Feb 6th, '14, 13:43

Sell everything invest in stocks
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Re: Would I regret selling the 360?

Postby Kill You » Feb 6th, '14, 13:58

Yes, because I regret selling mine. Get an Xbox One you pussy. Do it. I don't think you'd be satisfied with a PS4. Why are you so hell-bent on the PS4 and all on its nuts now? As of the moment it's only an upgraded PS3 lmao until they update it which then idk what it'll be but I doubt much will change about it. Just last week you were saying how unimpressed you were with the PS4 and Xbox One.
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Re: Would I regret selling the 360?

Postby Hopsinshadie » Feb 6th, '14, 14:13

Kill You wrote:Yes, because I regret selling mine. Get an Xbox One you pussy. Do it. I don't think you'd be satisfied with a PS4. Why are you so hell-bent on the PS4 and all on its nuts now? As of the moment it's only an upgraded PS3 lmao until they update it which then idk what it'll be but I doubt much will change about it. Just last week you were saying how unimpressed you were with the PS4 and Xbox One.

Kill You...... Kill you. Let me explain. You're calling me a poverty bastard and you haven't got the ps4 along with the xbox one? Like I said I'm aiming for a ps4. Yes I was a little hell bent on ps4. I was in rage at the cost I suppose and then started having nostalgia with the old systems. Btw, I still like old systems and will continue my collection.
But kill you, I'm really impressed with the way the games look on ps4. And here is the other things I realized. Knack, Resogun, and Trine 2 resemble old school style. So that made me realize that ps4 has a variety. Why should I get the x box one?

Why Sony? Nostalgia. Loved it as a kid, I was one of the people who turned my back on them with the x box. I won't do that this time, it's their turn and people are loving it.

Btw, I might not sell it now cuz you regret selling yours. Better to just suck up another hundred bucks. But u gotta remember, I'm gonna be retro collecting for about 5 systems too. Ps1, Ps2, NES, SNES, Genesis, and Game gear. I love the older classics. Plus I might get Halo for 360. So no more room for an X box one if I get all that and ps4, don't you think?
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