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These Aren’t Photos Of Cars. They Are Screenshots

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These Aren’t Photos Of Cars. They Are Screenshots

Postby Chet Starr » Mar 1st, '13, 14:17

Below, you will find six images. As eyeballs on the internet, you may not believe it at first, but these are indeed screenshots from upcoming racer Project Cars.

I've been playing the game for a week or so, with an in-construction build (the game is constantly being added to and refined by the developers, with fan support and input), and can attest that once you play around with the graphics for a while, it looks amazing. See this video, made from footage of fans actually playing the game, for further evidence. It handles pretty well, too, but until I can try it out with a wheel (I've only been using a 360 pad on my PC), take that with a grain of salt.

Remember: this is a game that's not even finished yet.

Chet Starr
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