This is serious. I respect Kill You. Why? Because regardless of what other people say, he goes with the system that he resonates with. I think that getting the ps3 from my bro may have got me putting ps4 on hold. Like the guy in the video below said, there is still plenty of life left in the 360 and ps3. He prefers neither xboxone or ps4. And the thing is I haven't bought nintendo since the 64. I really miss it, miss Mario and Zelda, plus a Sonic Boom is coming. I have ps3 already. Ps3 still looks great. So does the 360. Is ps4 better than ps3? Graphics wise sure. But is it worth 400 plus? Maybe not if ps3 still is making games. I think I need to play some catch up and go in slowly. But I want a Wii U because I love those nintendo cartoon type games. The Wonderful 101 also looks fun. Link below explains why wii u is the choice for gamers.