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Re: Inception

Postby dshady89 » May 1st, '12, 19:51

very pretentious movie tbh.. i mean yeah director i know you're great, it worked for you in Dark Knight and the Prestige, but you ran it a bit too far with inception tbh
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Re: Inception

Postby Devil'sAdvocate » May 1st, '12, 20:16

dshady89 wrote:very pretentious movie tbh.. i mean yeah director i know you're great, it worked for you in Dark Knight and the Prestige, but you ran it a bit too far with inception tbh

you are a total idiot.

its a brilliant movie,Leonardo really fits his character and puts on a great performance,you need to go in to this movie knowing that it is fictional and not expect anything out of real life and then you may REALLY enjoy the watch.
The devil ain't on a level same as him!
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