dead prez wrote:I wasn't talking about buildup but what I mean is that a lot of scenes seem to be sporadic and out of the blue, with not much planning ahead other than the writers thought it makes sense or would be the right thing for the plot i.e. (S2 finale was completely left field and there was no basis for that) and as a whole it didn't feel as tightly bound btw I don't have a problem with spontaneity, but it's when it seems like the writers make shit up as they go along and it affect characters and the overall story.
Season 2 was definitely anything but spontanious.. while ill agree it was a bit far fetched (the plane just happpened to crash over walts house..) but the writers knew how the season would end from the very beginning episode of season 2... (debris in the pool)
there are loads of foreshadowing in the entire show.. you just have to be sharp enough to pick it up..
foreshadowing Janes death..
-Jesse was making her breakfast in bed and she walked in, Jesse said, “You weren’t supposed to wake up,” and Jane responded, “Ever?”
-In the same episode where Jane dies, Walt and Marie are taking care of Holly in her crib, and Walt puts Holly on her side, "just in case she decides to do a little spit up"
-Jesse said something cheesy to Jane, and she said “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.”
another whicked example of good writing and foreshadowing
In episode 4-12 "End Times", Walt sits out back behind his house and spins a revolver 3 times. 1st two times it points to him only but the third time it does point to a plant(which we later come to know as Lily of the Valley which Walt used to poison Brock).
They also foreshadowed Ted's neck injury in the epsisode crawl space, he goes to answer the door for Skylar and nearly trips on the rug, which is ultimately what nearly kills him later.
I guess what im getting at is that the show's writing is fantastic, and i disagree with your spontaneity remark..
and i wouldnt be so sure that walt isnt going to die... with all the foreshadowing of death, i wouldnt be surprised
A possible foreshadowing in Season 5 Episode 3 (Hazard Pay), when Walt and Jr. are watching Scarface, and Walter murmurs "Everyone dies in this movie..."
And we know that Vince Gilligan has consistently said that Walter White's journey is the story of Mr. Chips turning into Scarface. ... aking-Bad#