dead prez wrote:It's weird I liked this movie at first but after seeing at a second time, and paying more attention to detail I was starting to like it less and less till it turned out to a flat out disappointment and a scatterbrained mess at points. So many plotholes and loose ends that could take all day tearing apart what I didn't like but I'll just say that Bane disappointed me. Tom Hardy did a good job portraying him for the most part other than the stupid voice he had which sounded like a dying sean connery with asthman
his death was fucking anticlimactic and the lamest shit I've ever seen especially when he's built up to be a villain with an agenda and not same lame thug working as a henchman. Also the constant chekhov's gun with bane's mask going off and him going berserk would have been great but it was mostly just a red herring, batman should have ripped it off
Also is it me or is a giant prison in the middle of a metropolis just retarded or what.
I didn't have a problem with Bane apart from what you said in the spoiler. I remember sitting there when that happened and wasn't sure if serious.