by cement » May 24th, '14, 14:05
no, its highly illegal to have multiple hobbies at the same tim. you should immediately stop with 2 of these or I will have to call the police, you might have to call a psychiatric to help you get cured of your rara disease
NIGGAGANG: takeover 2014.GANG:
Rollef$en, €anadaPure, Blog$ Mcgoo$h, $atan, €harlotte, Never_€nough, Tru€ Wiz, €xcitaz, D€rdyPK, Th€VipBro, N-R-G, md€maz, €€D€€, $nakebeast (FULL MEMBER), HotDawg, Pudding, Aton€, Mistah €vil, Jo$himura
R.I.P. to my homeboy £I£BuffDa[OG], we done lost you on the streets but you aint forgotten hombre.