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2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitches

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2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitches

Postby flyingmonkey10 » Jun 10th, '13, 19:27

How can hip-hop be dead if Wu-Tang is forever?

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Re: 2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitche

Postby Francesco » Jun 10th, '13, 23:20

I've seen that long time ago... he's on point actually. It was so much different back in the day.
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Re: 2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitche

Postby Mathers » Sep 13th, '13, 13:55

I miss him :(
Fuck top five, bitch, I'm top four
And that includes Biggie and Pac, whore
And I got an Evil Twin
So who the fuck do you think that third and that fourth spot's for?
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Re: 2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitche

Postby Hadez » Sep 14th, '13, 06:19

bigray wrote:I love how pac respected women.

as long as he didn't respect bitches, i'm good.
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Re: 2pac breaks down the difference between women and bitche

Postby sneakerheadshady » Sep 26th, '13, 20:31

Hadez wrote:
bigray wrote:I love how pac respected women.

as long as he didn't respect bitches, i'm good.

true as hell hahah
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