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ry`u - make it anyway

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ry`u - make it anyway

Postby ry`u » Mar 28th, '10, 12:35

it’s been said/ to make it in this life/ and this game/
you’ve got too maintain, your composure, and fight!
so I said fuck tha pain, where my pen? I’ma write
and leave a mark on the game/ and entertain either way
like the star to the stripe/ I’ma dog and I’m stray/
trapped and op, nope!
there goes another day...
pockets empty,/I’m broke, maybe I should I pray?
Or pack a bag/ and leave a note/
Cause I’ma make it anyway,I’ma make it anyway!
Closet Cleaner
Closet Cleaner
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Re: ry`u - make it anyway

Postby neversnooze » Mar 29th, '10, 17:57


i disliked this piece you have shared with the forum. your flow seemed forces, multies were below average, your last 2 bars are uneven and it was too short. haven't seen you in the forum so welcome to TR.
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