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Spartibus 'Style

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Spartibus 'Style

Postby WhatsAnEnigma » May 12th, '10, 02:14

I'm not done with the second verse but I'll post what I have for it. I did this as a fun concept and since I'm part Greek I find it interesting. Criticism is appreciated, and I'll add multies when I pick this up shortly.


Kro's a spartan at heart unpredictable to guard
Strike with a mega-volt charge you're just a lesser god
Hey Hestia and I know you don't commence fucking me
But you're succumbing, raped like Persephone
Cus not even chiseling marble can stand what I'm writing
A prophet like Tiresias clairvoyant since blinded
But can't sense your body heat since you got cold feet
You're nothing, waste of prophecy like at Thermopylae
When a battle's to commence and the beef to roast
I swing fiery blades and let go the real Kratos
I hear serpents hissing sic semper tyrannis
But can't trust em', hold their heads high like Perseus
Hermes...spreading the message like AIDS
but the pen is my dick leaving em needing hearing aids
Aid in their self destruction, their combustion
Like Paris but they still begging for Zeus to come bust in
Yall must be thinking this is where the rhyme dies,
but I'm Pandora's sorrows for mankind ten times
Which is why they only allow this played in outer space
where there's no sound for my music to escape....

From nothing Chaos bore two children as they say
but from all matter clashing I came to be made
In the dark depths of Erebus I developed a fetus
meditating, exposing the enemy's weakness by Thetis
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Re: Spartibus 'Style

Postby classthe_king » May 12th, '10, 04:05

I love the greek's so I thought that was great :worship:
You think your personal attacks make up for what you lack?
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