Relevant even if i tell them quits
Rap in pits traps i get to wreck you guys
Recognize my tephlon eyes from a road over
Rolled over a "singular" "minister" get holy
Red soled feet, dead foldings take a truck bed holding
Reg old cheap, bodies no weep probably one sweep
Rocket fast chief that will pop it "past pink"
Rasta stink, while you try to proper me
Roger me, because if you understand
Rock these geeks and put you in a "band"
Rhythmically, get it physically best assured
Rested turf will wake up when we check for dirt
Reckless worm we are miracle grow
Records turn when stress is burned in the area, blown
Rare to the bone, I stay blood real life before death
Right the whole set could be fragile like donettes
Rabble locusts end of the world yep we know this