The road ends, leaves me with a blank thought,
The road I walk on is worthless for me now,
My feet hurt, I'm tired and I'm cold,
I haven't slept in days. But I'm still hear thinking what lead me through this place,
Days go bye & yet I'm still standing on this empty space,
I think it's time for me to leave and just go home,
But what is going home gonna do for me,
Stay there and slice my wrist and watch me bleed constantly,
Or hearing the sounds of my baby brother getting tortured in his sleep,
This isn't the life I wish to live in,
Maybe when the road ended it was telling me something,
Maybe it's telling me to go back home & just keep fighting,
Hopefully the answer pops up when I leave,
I start to walk away but I just can't breathe anymore,
I feel like somebody has there arms around my neck,
Who ever this person is, is strangling me hard and wanting me to face death,
So, I stop everything I could do to let this person off of me,
But he just keeps constantly grabbing me,
5 minutes have passed & yet I'm still here being strangled,
Then I think to myself my life was nothing but one big fail,
So I let this person do whatever he want's to me,
He tightens his hands harder around my neck & sets me free.
(Free, in other words. Means dead, in this story.)