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Enron (One Time For Ya Mind)

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Enron (One Time For Ya Mind)

Postby Peace_Maker » Aug 7th, '10, 14:07

I haven't watched this documentary in a while so this one is a lot less clear but it's still accurate for the most part and you will learn if you read it.

You don't know about Enron and it's sudden end
You don't know how to black box your profit then
A corporation, trading energy, a good idea
Like a stock market with Ken Lay as a puppeteer
Or a profiteer, make a large promise here
Everybody invest, we'll be on the top this year
It isn't clear, to the public 'bout the secret dealing
Mask it with media, the genius of one Jeffrey Skilling
Prodigy and Villian...............a hell of a rep
But bad company decisions made, they fell into debt
You couldn't tell yet, a hard idea to capture
Hide their losses in small business like Raptor
They had it mastered, if the stock went up
They kept making money, so show profit, fuck
They'd gone corrupt, and Enron was tanking fast
Forced power outages in California, they made it last
Before it snapped, Jeffrey Skilling left the building
It every CEO took every penny and shilling
The devil's dealing, employees were pushed aside
Before they could realize the pension had run dry
We saw the bad guys, they were nothing but smiles
Because the evidence was gone, just shredded in piles
But it's a cycle, you know they can't avoid crime
The heavy players, all had their court time
In their eyes, they elevated to grab skies
But in Enron's case, never forget to ask WHY
Your brain is child's play to manipulate.
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Re: Enron (One Time For Ya Mind)

Postby gutawafang » Aug 10th, '10, 07:19

Woah this is some fucking economics shit. Unique bro. nice read.
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