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want my value back (rough edit)

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want my value back (rough edit)

Postby Ka0t1c » Sep 16th, '10, 01:31

My dreams consist of constant
intense combat offenses where chaos exists
and when i wake up i'm pissed
but i aint callin it quits
i can't be shaken up like this
some days i ball up my fists
i won't stay throwin alcoholic fits
it's all just nonsense
cuz i always still wish my conscience was fixed
but i guess i'm too lost and sick
am i a hostage to my environment
have i lost my wits
is life goin too quick
i've drowned in an abyss
well, son of a bitch
how come i've got so drenched
bounded in violence
cuz now it's within my irises and i can't resist
i withdrawl my innocence
i'm powerless, downward spirallin
frown upon my cowardness
don't allow me to become another counterfeit
set a wild fire under me
attempt to reallign my balance
i know i want it bad
now i've gotta win my value back
that's the end of the argument...
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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