by Yah-hah » Oct 12th, '10, 07:40
Yeah honestly I dont see the point in the rule. I know theres alot of new guys tryin to post but havent left feed so no one really knows who they are, but I think it should be up to them. I dont really see a point in people like me Fa-Q and class, who are colored for the CW section specifically, should have to do this. I dont agree with the rule. I'm not sure if you (Chambers) is in charge of this still or not. I didnt really pay attention to the whole 1 day mod thing. I mean no disrespect by this if you are thats great but I dont like or agree with this rule and see no reason to put this on the writer's, especially the veteran writers.
"Red hand I use to reach deep in my dark quiver,
Arrow so big the fuckin bones in ya arm splinter
Fuckin crazy I'll stick my hand throgh ya hearts center,
With sharp scissors the words Native Pride gets carved in her,
Trimss wrote:Your dog is cute, your tattoo fucking rocks, you can fight and your baby have a big dick.
Your life is cool bro lol
Nundea Mekeze comin soon May 4th