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Ghost President

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Ghost President

Postby christalgurl » Feb 17th, '11, 01:47

I came up with the idea for this a while back. I've written more than this, but I'm just going to post the first two paragraphs. If you guys like it, I'll post some more periodically. Feedback welcome!

Standing before a spirited, slightly drunk crowd, Patrick Waverly gave a victory speech to at least a couple hundred close friends and campaign supporters. His authoritative voice kept each listener’s eyes and ears glued to him. After all, Patrick Waverly had just been elected President of the United States by an overwhelming majority. His victory, however, was not one that he had accomplished alone.
In a carefully guarded room a few floors above, Patrick Waverly’s best friend, Adam Bennett, fed him lines through an advanced headphone speaker system. Every captivating word Patrick spoke came from Adam’s mouth. Each witty comment that sparked laughter among the supporters was not of Patrick’s own thought. Not that Adam Bennett minded. In fact, it had all been his idea in the first place.
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