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So this is a day in the life of Mahmoud
UH wake up and go to the bathroom
with my wood sticking out like a damn broom
and my balls looking drier then the moon
i take a shower and clean myself
and get a towel from the top shelf
once im dry i put on my cloths
and comb my hair so it doesnt unfold
into a mess cuz im trying to impress
getting dressed and making sure im fly
once im done i go to the mall
have a ball and eat till i fall
once im done i go to the bathroom
not to dress but to take a shit
cuz what i ate made my stomach ache
and now i gotta menstruate from my butt
in other words im taking a mean shit
but its all good cuz i got toilet paper so quit
asking if i need more..but it was the rough kind
so my butt was very sore
i couldn't take it anymore
so i want home and brushed my teeth
so i can have a good sleep
when i wake up i wanna do it again
because thats my life of Mahmoud