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Some lines I wrote...

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Some lines I wrote...

Postby Mr Change » Jul 7th, '11, 08:33

Now, please don’t take this song serious
I’m just tryna rhyme, playin’ around with these lyrics
I could bend terrace and make it rhyme with nefarious
If it does already then man I don’t wanna hear this, shut up
I’m havin’ my moment, put up, if you wanna get on it
This rap train ain’t stopping at your home, its
Like a butter knife that cuts straight to your bone
I don’t try to make something that I think will sound right
I just try to rhyme as many words in a single line as I like
And when something’ finally clicks and I get it right
I can put it in a song aslong as its just four lines

Tell me if I need to get better and how lol...
jinofthewind wrote:And Koolo's sources said... Nothing you idiots Koolo's sources are dead they're locked in my basement

"Soon as I stopped saying I gave a fuck
Haters started to appreciate my art
And it just breaks my heart to look at all the pain I caused
But what am I gonna do when the rage is gone?
And the lights go out in that trailer park?"
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Re: Some lines I wrote...

Postby JamaicanPattlez » Jul 7th, '11, 08:50

I'm not sure if it was done right, because I'm a beginner in writing as well, but a verse is usually 16 bars. What you've got there is 10. Now if verses can be written in 10 bars, then my bad on that. I couldn't really understand it, but with practice, you'll get it! Keep it up! :y:
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Re: Some lines I wrote...

Postby Mr Change » Jul 7th, '11, 09:49

Thanks man and no it was just part of a document I picked out were I was just writing stuff that didn't have any meaning
jinofthewind wrote:And Koolo's sources said... Nothing you idiots Koolo's sources are dead they're locked in my basement

"Soon as I stopped saying I gave a fuck
Haters started to appreciate my art
And it just breaks my heart to look at all the pain I caused
But what am I gonna do when the rage is gone?
And the lights go out in that trailer park?"
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Mr Change
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Re: Some lines I wrote...

Postby Innovation » Jul 7th, '11, 12:59

It wasn't too bad mate. :y:

You want tips on how to improve? First and foremost as you seem to have your structure in place, work on some multi-syllable rhyming. If you're already clued up on multi-syllable rhyming, just ignore this next part but if you're not, take it in.

I'll give you the example that I always use to showcase multi-syllable rhyming.

They took away my right to bear arms,
What am I suppose to fight with bare palms?

As you can see each of the coloured words rhyme with each other to form a multi. Try to integrate this with your work.

Other than that I liked it, you had some funny lines such as:

I could bend terrace and make it rhyme with nefarious
If it does already then man I don’t wanna hear this, shut up

Keep it up. :y:
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Re: Some lines I wrote...

Postby Mr Change » Jul 7th, '11, 20:40

Thanks, appreciate the example from We As Americans too :D
jinofthewind wrote:And Koolo's sources said... Nothing you idiots Koolo's sources are dead they're locked in my basement

"Soon as I stopped saying I gave a fuck
Haters started to appreciate my art
And it just breaks my heart to look at all the pain I caused
But what am I gonna do when the rage is gone?
And the lights go out in that trailer park?"
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