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Re: PTFO (Pissed The Fuck Off)

Postby ArsheyHaq » Aug 15th, '11, 20:51

Your piece was so good that people forgot you didn't have a link of feedback for it. I know you're new, but read the rules. One link of feedback is required in order for you to post, but this section and it's management are kinda shit lately.
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Re: PTFO (Pissed The Fuck Off)

Postby Ka0t1c » Aug 15th, '11, 21:23

it's simple yet effective rhymes made this piece an interesting read
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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Re: PTFO (Pissed The Fuck Off)

Postby Maybe » Aug 16th, '11, 02:16

I really like the message in this piece. I normally don't judge a song based on content alone, but that's what sold me on this. Either way, it was well written and very comprehensible. Good rhyming, good structure, etc.


Good stuff man, hope to see more from you.
classthe_king wrote:
If you and Siinide don't start recording soon I'm going to fly to where ever you live, tie you up, put the mic in front of your faces and force you to record.
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