LoF: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=162879&p=2278152#p2278152
Beat: https://soundcloud.com/cpsthirteenvds/b ... strumental
This beef fuck around shit is so amusing ---
Snake, I'd diss you but when it dropped, stopped your heart bitch,
Then bigray'll climb inside and try to hot box your carcass,
Rapping about cocks and hardness while calling all of us gay,
'Til you wake up crawling out of bed bawling 'cause you fucked Ray,
Sad I didn't diss you? Welcome to wrist slitter kids anonymous,
Slim Cary's your roommate, you're bitch, bitter, and synonymous
To a faggot, but that's enough of the dirty shit, it's just jokes,
But you can try to suck on roughly thirty dicks and just choke,'
Like Bigray on his smoke, it didnt take a single thought in my brain,
To laugh when I saw it again, Rollefsen got bodied by Pain,
Pray to god and to SajNtan that I don't finish what you started,
You're an easy target, you think you can win it? you're retarded,
But I already covered that in my first response to TR-Dead
Ego hasn't even jumped on yet, you don't want to see our depth,
Throw a baby on a flambe, skull-fuck Ariana Grand-eh,
Hage asked me to jump in, but you just dared me on the wrong day,