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Geno - Fall

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Re: Geno - Fall

Postby Emadyville » Nov 2nd, '11, 22:40

I enjoyed the overall concept while it was still sorta all over the place...if that makes sense :unsure: Anyway that's what made it good. I liked how you didn't go nuts with rhymes, but at the same time, had some very good multi's (the skill stood out when you continued the multi but not on the end rhyme) that didn't seem forced or outta place. The flow was sometimes hard to follow (or seemed slightly off) but with a written it's obviously usually read differently.

I liked what you did man it was good, as always...keep it up :smoking:
Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that

I love you Daren
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