J.R. wrote:First off, I know you don't read a lot of shit in here. Maybe 2% of it, if that. Secondly, the other aspects of the game? I'm a textcee at the moment, like you said, and that is mainly for three reasons. One, I don't have the mixing capabilites, two, I'm only 16. This is a hobby. I have a lot of other shit to focus on. Now, that doesn't mean I don't want to get better, (and you never knew if I did, because you'd never follow me, nor did you tell me exactly what to improve upon besides "boring", just that you disliked the piece and then bitched about the same old shit in the section) it just means that right now I don't have the time nor the equipment to get in to recording or being good at it. So I stick to this to get better.
Read what I said to Insane, I don't want to have to tell you how to improve, it's something you learn on your own. I don't wanna have to tell you to focus more on wordplay or something because it just might not be your thing.
J.R. wrote:Secondly, what do you know exactly? Why are we taking advice from you? I'm not butthurt, really. I honestly respect you, every poster of this forum, and anyone with opinions on my piece. But like Geno said, you never post in here. I'd consider you a bit more credible if you dropped something..fed something that wasn't in new posts lmao.
I've contributed to this section before. I've dropped writtens. It's whiny butthurts like you that make me stay away from this place. Me never posting in here has nothing to do with my criticism. It's like saying that you shouldn't be allowed to criticize the Mona Lisa if you can't paint it yourself.
J.R. wrote:Lastly, we have been trying to apply stuff. This has storytelling, flow, multis, etc. Yet you say everyone in here is just multis galore.
No. If everyone was multis galore in this section, it'd be a bunch of fucking shit lyrical pieces that didn't make sense. Something I've always been fuckin' terrible at, I love storytelling, content, and flow. It was my marquee when I came onto this site, but you wouldn't know, would you?
Copying Eminem's "Kim" format and beat isn't really all that ground-breaking and creative. I understand you're telling a story, but you really copied the same aspects from Eminem's song. Spyder made a song some time ago that was nearly IDENTICAL to Em's "My Darling" and people were criticizing him for mirroring the song. Most of the time, it is just Multi's Galore, Man1x even said it himself. And no, I wouldn't know considering I don't really care about you and your writtens lol.
J.R. wrote:Also, reply seriously or get the fuck out. I don't want a joke reply.
Why were you expecting a joke reply? You're gonna bitch at me, so I'll bitch at you back lol. In fact, where in this thread have I replied with a joke? Yeah... exactly.