whew. this was like cramming 3 bottles of ether down silvers throat at once. but seriously, i feel like all disses aside, this is a good forum lesson in general. good piece, and i look forward to the rest.
BTW, i don't hate you silver
horse wrote:You’ll never go gold, that’s why you’re just silver
Horsebot3K wrote:sneakerheadshady wrote:whew. this was like cramming 3 bottles of ether down silvers throat at once. but seriously, i feel like all disses aside, this is a good forum lesson in general. good piece, and i look forward to the rest.
BTW, i don't hate you silver
Thanks guys. And yeah, Sneak, I know you don't actually hate Silver. I just wanted to work in some material about the CW contest, lol.
Just Silver wrote:I admit I blew the tournament with a shitty quick idea sorry
horse wrote:You’ll never go gold, that’s why you’re just silver
Revolutionary wrote:One of the best usernames on TR along with GoodGirlsGetGutted
IBasicallyRage wrote:I was going to write a verse or two like this, but Sneaker said the beef was over, before I could finish that night a couple days ago. This was what I had before I was saw the post "The beef is over"
Shady blogger is playing crazy frogger hoppin all over the forum
Sayin how everything is straight fire and I'm just sayin Horsebot strung silver up on a wire, and we should mourn him.
Did I adore him? No. Shouldn't we call the coroner, I don't see the roar in him anymore..
horse wrote:You’ll never go gold, that’s why you’re just silver
Guess_Who wrote:ilovebender makes me want to listen guns'n roses but ...
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