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Friend of mine facing deportation

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Friend of mine facing deportation

Postby survce » Apr 30th, '11, 00:22

To the people making contravening comments about a person you don’t know
I guess your entertaining the inner self of a mind that won’t grow
Completely blind to a saint cheap lines you state coming from the inside
You only make debate in a world that seems designated to hate
What part of this can’t you see a man can change for himself definitely
But a man that can change in a way and be able to say he
Was addicted to a drug that comes with the title of being a thug
From people who point fingers and shame blatantly blaming a name
Even going as far as making accusations to cover their own fabrications
When was the last time you looked through a clean window
We need as many reformed addicts that we can get
They’re living proof that people can quit.

Anybody out there that can feel me go to
and give as much support as you can the full story can be found there.
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Re: Friend of mine facing deportation

Postby Spyder » Apr 30th, '11, 01:31

link of feed
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Re: Friend of mine facing deportation

Postby survce » Apr 30th, '11, 05:16

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Re: Friend of mine facing deportation

Postby Spyder » Apr 30th, '11, 18:15

no in order to get feedback you must give feedback to someone else writing on here too

that is the link of feedback lol
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