i recorded this, but like most of the time i don't think alot of ppl on here will like the recording, it's just somethin i did for my own collection of recordings tho anyways, but, here's the lyrics
Fuck this job i quit, ten bucks a night?
y'all can suck my dick, this shit aint right
i gotta guard your store from thieves and whores
who can't afford what's behind these doors
you wanna feed the rich and laugh at the poor
who wanna fight me cuz their stoned and bored
plus i stock these shelves, and clean the floor's
but when i go home all i got in my pocket is a ten and lint
Alexander Hamilton to spend and i just pretend to grin
when inside i'm grim, can't win for shit
i super glue my shoe's together when they fall apart
cuz i can't afford new clothes from wal-mart
and if you got robbed and i got shot in the middle
i can't afford insurance to pay the hospital
you can afford a va-cay in tokyo and drift away
but can't afford the right pay to make me wanna stay?
fuck you, and your wife's a bitch, bet she's hard to live with
always yellin and shit, and always tryin to get in my business
askin me about my ex and shit, why i ain't tryin college
well maybe cuz it cost's more than ten dollars
to better my knowledge, i can't afford to scholar
you hide in your office and watch the tapes while i stand by the front
you coward chicken little cunt, talkin like Tony Montana without a blunt
with your cheap rip off's and fake accent, you aint cuban you punk
your from India, and your fuckin cologne smell's like skunk
so with that said, with no regret's you gave me a reason
to stand here with middle fingers up screamin
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