I was sent with intentions straight out the 5th dimension
to complete a dangerous mission what my quest is get my message
straight across the state of Texas. Guess what's next is on my checklist.
Take out all those who are reckless. Now don't think I will regret this.
Like go buy a diamond necklace or a bad ass bitchin Lexus.
I got the best and took the test unless a game of just confess
a Will got wrote don't play that mess. Don't sign no paper not witnessed.
No Bueno want no bad business. No room left for no con-artist.
My dad I know he would be pissed so mad he'd start clinching his fists.
Stop and take another bump you know you need to pump and hump.
Drinking to much mi chelada make me stop and take a dump.
Dad would thump me on my head. Now listen son is what he said.
I know you don't know what your doing. And my heart you won't be losing.
I rode this life that you are cruizng. Drugs and drinking only losing.
Late for work cause you were snoozing.
LOF: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=166424&p=2466281#p2466281