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Essay for school about "Scars"

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Essay for school about "Scars"

Postby Fa-Q » Apr 3rd, '10, 18:26

What hurts more, the action in which you received the scar, or seeing the scar everyday after. What about knowing that the pigment around the scar will never be the same. The flesh that the scar has placed on you will be minority for the rest of your life. A mistake, or a life lessen learned. We must dedicate our lives to finding ways to, not heal scars, but to make whatever tantalizing temptation that made you receive the scar less of a distraction to the human mind. The biggest difference between us and animals is we find ways around scars instead of, once we receive this life changing scars, finding a way to blind ourselves from these scars. The biggest scar humans must face is self-worth.
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Re: Essay for school about "Scars"

Postby GoodGirlsGetGutted » Apr 3rd, '10, 18:32

"We must dedicate our lives to finding ways to, not heal scars, but to make whatever tantalizing temptation that made you receive the scar less of a distraction to the human mind."

Bad comma. Do it like this:

We must dedicate our lives, not to finding ways to heal scars, but to make whatever tantalizing temptation that made you receive the scar less of a distraction to the human mind.

"The biggest difference between us and animals is we find ways around scars instead of, once we receive this life changing scars, finding a way to blind ourselves from these scars."

Needs a "that" between is and we:

The biggest difference between us and animals is that we find ways around scars instead of, once we receive this life changing scars, finding a way to blind ourselves from these scars.

Well written intelligence, this is.
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Re: Essay for school about "Scars"

Postby Fa-Q » Apr 3rd, '10, 18:36

Damn, I already turned it in....its ok my english teacher is a dried up cunt, she won't see the problems...thanks. I had five minuted to right about "Scars" and what the meant to me and this is what I came up with
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