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Postby MC Anonymous » Jun 12th, '10, 14:21

No turning back from the things I've become, the stings of the tongue
I never wanna be backed again, by the drugs, and the one
thing that keeps me from running is trapped within
and nothing can crack it, my pride, active and something
is about to break, I'm trusting my act is in, the right order with right borders,
to muster the strength to continue right through this torturous eye sore and
begin to prosper through with seldom hospital visits
I got it through sickness, my body, stuck through, not gonna sit and
do nothing with my life stuck in all the strife and it's seldom
right, I've seen hellish nights, seen what's it like to hear the bells toll at night
I know it's cold at night, but trust in the fact that's it nothing
you can't handle, just saddle it, put your love in it, love it
There's no turning back, like your spine is wrapped in a brace
Even if they kick and punch, or I get slapped in the face
Cause I'm tired of the running, why get trapped in a place
Where you're a rat inside a ball, and cries are lapping in space
LMFAO@ Brittney, bitch looking worse than a chupacabra mixed with a broken down coyote. You're disgusting ugly, so ugly in fact, my brain simultaneously exploded while processing how bitterly grotesque you look. I would much rather stick ice picks into the walls of my cranium, then stick my dick into your quagmire of a clitoris. You're what would happen if a sperm whale mated with a Godzilla fish..

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Re: Practice

Postby Tomega » Jun 12th, '10, 15:31

Good as usual, but too much enjambment...

Em does it too, and I like the more simple style.
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Re: Practice

Postby Junky » Jun 16th, '10, 00:45

Sounds good,
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