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Postby Lupidshwoopshh » Jul 10th, '10, 05:25

Neutral cookoo true too be voodoo who what
suitable unusual truth be told n uh uhn
dung shittie dukey me duece the duty
Ships. High. In. Transport. land ahoy crew see
New Yorks true storks shwoop more...ore
Statue of Liberty stands forth they managed
cabbage to flourish in current bend moat noted it's banked
It's tender it measures the blank tank think blinked kinked
squeeze soaked soggier flow like water the monster
...UNDER nessy I'm a mess best let be me be me!!!!

The lupidswhoop poopped n shit!
Closet Cleaner
Closet Cleaner
Posts: 17
Joined: Jul 8th, '10, 03:41

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