I think this should be chapter one since it introduces you. Maybe dedicate the book to the girl the first one was about and make that the foreword.
I'd set that first conversational thing up in a dialogue format so it's easier to follow.
Omar: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Omar: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Solace: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Outgoing, charming, intelligent, creative...Oh the many words that cannot describe me.
Loved that lol.
lucid thoughts get so scrambled up
Idk I prefer prose (everyday language) as apposed to throwing in words such as lucid but it's a personal taste.
I used to look at the mirror and not like what I'd see. I don't anymore though, I threw away that goddamn mirror.
Favorite line^
I think this all has a very emo feel to it. I love that. Not many people would aim for their tone to be depressing like this. I think you word things akwardly sometimes and that's the main thing holding you back atm. Just try to be fluent. Be natural.