by Solace » Jan 15th, '12, 20:16
If you said Canadian as well, I would also say I wouldn't care.
These soldiers were dead. They were beat, tortured, and murdered. Urination is far from the nail in the coffin, and was not what took their last shred of dignity. My last shred of dignity in tatters...Hell man, I'm dead. I was murdered by people I tried to murder. I hurt people for my own personal gain. I do not expect soldiers to respect me. If I were those American soldiers, I wouldn't respect those corpses. If I were the Taliban, I wouldn't respect the Americans. I would not expect those soldiers to respect my dead body if they had the chance to degrade me. So yes, we're all humans at the end of the day. That doesn't mean we all deserve the same amount of respect or should expect it. No one should be handed respect because they're human, it should be earned.
If we're really talking about dignity, they shouldn't have been killed in the first place to have been pissed on. Urination on a corpse is a grain of sand to a whole war.