The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:
ok..well i was too lazy to watch it all so i stopped after the video stopped and the audio kept playing. then i kinda got annoyed with the voice not matching the video so i stopped. anyway...that really is an interesting video. im not gonna get in depth into my criticizm because i dont feel like it and i dont care to do it. some stuff that he spoke about i agree with him on, but others i dont
I was watching Commando yesterday, a "classic" B-Movie of the middle 80s with Governator playing "John Matrix", an ex-green better..
Colonel: Matrix is there?
Lieutenand: Yes sir.
Coloner: Send two companies and heavy support.
Lieutenand: What do you expect to happen sir?
Colonel: World War Three!!!