McMaybe wrote:im a racist then, all muslims should die, israel is gonna burn down their fuckin country, and all the land will be theirs again, the rightfull owners, FUCK LABANON, some leabnise are great, like katastrophee, but musilims, and i mean ALL MUSILIMS< deserve to die, i lost a brother, and 2 cousind in a suicide bomb, muslims are cruil, not only will we blow them , we will continue to harass them, like they do to us, no onw here knows what its like, so fuck all of you
What the hell !?!?! Israel doesnt have any land, what they live on was stolen from Palastine. Israel wishes they had land to fucking give away.
MCMaybe you seem to be intent on Israel destroying Lebanon. The way this whole war is playing out can be summed up in this analogy. Israel owns a house next door and the house has mice in it, so what Israel is doing is blowing the house up to get rid of the mice. That is just stupid. Why do they need to destory Lebanon and kill innocent civillians ? Whos to say that Hezzbollah isnt in Iraq, Iran, Syria, or anything other middle eastern country ? Why isnt Israel attacking all those countries ? If they were soo worried about Hezzbollah they would do so.
Israel is just inhumane, they kill civilians on a daily basis but they dont have a good excuse. If Hezzbollah does it its kinda ok because they are using primative as shit. Israel has fucking weapons that can hit a target with pinpoint accuracy.
Best case scenario is that Israel decides to play hero of the middle east and they end up fucking themselves over by fighting to many wars on to many fronts. Then every arab shit box country comes in and destories that fucked up excuse of a country and the land goes back to the people it belongs too, Palestine.
The only problem is that it wont happen so fast. Jews have to much power around the world inparticular the USA. That will be solved as soon as China becomes the word's super power. Jews wont have control over anything anymore. Already Russia is China's bitch, they are giving them oil, gas and everything. If Russia tries anything sneaky China has 100,000's of troops all along the border.
So if you couldnt have been fucked reading all that the summary is as follows:
Israel is a bully nation
Hezzbollah needs to win the war
Israel will become absolete as soon as China replaces America as the worlds super power.