katastrophe wrote:muslims do attack christians and jews. what did the president of Iran tell everybody what he wanted? he said, "Death To Israel" if that doesnt mean that he wants to attack jews then i dont know anything. they hate christians too. syria was killing christians in lebanon before they were forced to move out. i know because my mom was forced to risk her life and evacuate and move to the United States. i didnt say that u guys caused the tsunami or WW1 or WW2. im saying that u guys caused 9/11, the attacks in London, the attacks in India, and the constant fighting in the middle east. the only reason why u guys cant take over the world is because u dont have the power to. u rely on other countries to build u up. if they werent there..we wouldnt be having this discussion. look, im sorry if i offended u about the things i said about muslims but thats how i feel. i know that some muslims dont believe in terrorism(like you) and i respect them(and i respect you). but most muslims do. and its a vast majority of them. im going to bed now so if u reply back you probably wont get a response for a little while.
u cant say muslims this n muslims that , they r millions , the president of iran said death to Israel cause of wut the Israeli goverment have been doing forever , they came , took others land , killed them , named the country as theirs , put palestanians ppl through hell , and then when they fight back they are being described on the news as attacking !! not defending . i just watch a footage abt how palestaniens live their lifes n how the US media make it look like , and now it is the same but at Lebanon , they dont show wut lebanon is goin through on the news ( like the guy on the news said u know every fallen israeli soldier that died but u dun care abt the famillies , the 1000 that died , the million that r homeless)
how can u not understand y some ppl hate israel !! when i say fuck israel , im not taklkin abt the ppl , im not talkin abt the children , not the jews , not the christians im talkin abt the fuckin goverment n the ppl in charge , all the war crimes , all the ppl who died , we saw a kid and his father a few years back at palestine , unarmed , stuck to a wall , screaming at the soldiers to stop shooting , scared to death , but still shout n dead by the soldiers , is that human !! isaw tht video , showin how palestineans live a daily lives , at the borders even the ambulances cant pass to even diliver babies , babies mothers die , they dun let them in to pray , not to go to work , not to see their familly . all the war crimes that israel did n still r comiting in the world , the unjustified taking over of lands , n the sensless crap they justify their acts with . all that n more n more and years of history , not jsut the last month , is wut make israel not luved in the middle east
how can u say muslims hate christians , i live in a country were i go to skool with christians , i go to their homes , i eat with them , work with . if u know naythin about islam u would have known that it is writin in it that when dealing with ppl u put the religon thing aside , for god's sake muslims marry non muslims .
what happened to ur mum is wrong , ofcourse it is , but all the syrians i know r christians !! . one sitiuation or one group cant judge on millions , n for u info lebanon is a christian country basically .
when u say u guys , im not one of those u mean , i donnu how to put it , those u see on the news , the terrorists with long beard n galabya , we dont look like that , we dont think like that , we dont wanna take over the world , those who kill ppl like that , the 9/11 attacks , the london all those , those are extremes , they are not followin anything that iam or wut most of moslims follow , it is like those jews who were at palestine from a couple of days ago , going around in theri uniform - or i dinnu wut they call it - n sayin death to arabs death to muslims , those r extremes as well , when i see that , i dont go hey all jews want us dead !! , believe it or not i cried when 9/11 happened , my familly did , we disscussed it at skool n noone was happy , cause those ppl did nothin , cause we dun believe in terrorism , we r not those on tv n on 24 , the opssesed wierdos
iam srry but how can u judge tht most muslims r like that , i mean how many muslims do u know , have u ever been to a muslim country that was not goin though civial war , i donnu like egypt , tunisia , if u did , u'd see, deal with the ppl to know how they are really like not everything on the news is the truth