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The Children of Leningradsky

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The Children of Leningradsky

Postby yoshi » Aug 16th, '06, 22:56

i don't really know whether it should be in the Entertainment section, i rather see it here.. nevermind.

I've just finished to watch this movie (Children of Leningradsky) - it was about kids who live in Moscow, mostly in train stations and it just made me think how happy I am, even if I can't afford iPod or a new pair of sneakers every month.

Actually it made me upset, cause seeing 10-yrs-old kids sniffin glue and drinkin solvent (!!!), some of them goin round with pedofiles or just beggin for money is just wrong.. Living in dirty basements, without toilets and anyone who would take care for them.. One of those little boys wrote a song for his mum.. Another one said he calls his mum from time to time, just to hear her voice..

I don't wanna sound melodramatic or mental, but I think we should start from quite plain things like helping those kids, instead of spending next million dollars for fuckin atomic submarine, which gonna rot in the bottom of see anyway.
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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Postby Mr. Cookie » Aug 16th, '06, 22:57

poor kids....
Mr. Cookie

Postby .Giorgo. » Aug 16th, '06, 23:03

Look, you know.. Those kids we are healpin' them. Take as example Asia, als the money that is collected with the Tsunami. Maybe 35 % reaches Thailand. The money passes so many ''high'' people of the gouverment and they taking al a bit of it.

Ik think it is really sad and than a F*cking pedofile that is taking profit of this case is sick.
Sorry for this reaction but think about it, those sick people. yhey destroy the life of those little kids. They have no future, i've been in Vietnam, there is it also bad. some girls would do it for 1 meal. Wtf ? al those sick pedofiles are doing such things.

I really don't know what to do to help them. The gouvermnet etc. must help too.
There are celeberties that support many teams for suck children. But i'm just the same as Yoshi, i think the same. Where are now on Tr they are problaly sittin' on the ground. Lookin' at the sky whole the day.. and than beggin' on people. I really don't know a solution for this. Sych things as this are never gonna get cleared, Believe me..
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Postby yoshi » Aug 16th, '06, 23:09

^ I'm not sayin you should go there now and start to give out money or somethin. I just feel like every single goverment seems to be more concerned about things that aren't um.. really necessary. Or at least things that could wait a bit.

I also don't wanna them to be concerned with poverty only or just expect them to deal with it in one, two days. I just think they should pay more attention on such things.. I know there's no way to eliminate it, but at least they could try.

^ The only reaction of authorities, that has been showed, was police beating those kids, sometimes to death.
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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Postby Coccoa » Aug 16th, '06, 23:15

If ASP comes here he will post a ten pages long post. We need to hide the topic.
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Postby yoshi » Aug 16th, '06, 23:18

I know. *waits for Asp to come and start debating* :8)
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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Postby AspirinE » Aug 21st, '06, 07:44

Shit, how did i miss this thread.

I seen kids sniff glue, it almot feels normal now, were i live, taking to acount that at 14 kids usually sip beers outside they momas house.

This money that these kids dont have, pays for huge mansions and statues, skyskyscrapers also supports overpayed football players, actors that cant act, singers that cant sing, food buisnesses were the food is shit and drug dealers that make it easier for these same kids to pass they time by selling them cocaine or heroin wen they start growing up and need something more than glue.

Our "donations" dont do shit, especially wen we keep robbing the lower class. This is the very fundamentals of capitalism. none of the people that live the capitalist live will ever understand the position of an ordinary worker if they havent lived on levels lower then the average middle class.
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