Kill You wrote:You're English isn't so bad that I can't understand you, but okay...could you give us a summary of what was written then? Not a word-for-word translation, just sum it up in a paragraph.
For all members of TRshady forum :
My first texts said the death of Proof, the discovery of Eminem by Dr. Dre, and these primaries battles.
Then, I was write about his foundation (From Misery) and his relation with Kimberley Scott at school. Later, I expressive the political face of Eminem (The Crusader), there are some words about Ronnie the uncle/half-brother deceded.
I say too his love with the basket-ball, Hailie Jade. His comportement about mom (Debbie Nelson).
His addiction, and for funny his probably link with gay community and the last text say in major part of his absence about these fans, Encore (5 years later) Relapse, and this diss no reply by Eminem.
That's it