The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:
Fucking two-faced Moby needs publicity so he's dissing Eminem. Moby's albums are techno crap . Who is interested in techno nowadays ?
Eminem sells more records than he does, so fuck Moby.
And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You thirty-six year old baldheaded fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody listen to techno
honestly i don't understand day he's in ems white ass with statements like: oh jesus mosh was so great i love eminem for this shit and i accept him as an artist...and the other day he says shit like eminem has blood on his hands....may be he's becoming insane or something like that??? he should just shut the fuck up and make his own fuckin music...we don't need stuff like that and in a couple of years he will cry because em does not make a new lp...