2 years went by between polina recording her demo and mmlp2's release
polina's voice is completely unenhanced, giving the track an especially sensual sound
her vocals are virtually unchanged in final version
polina was surprised he did not sing the hook himself
there's a very important truth in the emotions and sound of my performance that eminem said drew his attention
this is a very personal and emotional song. no one is immune to pain, there are no guarantees in this world
but I'm still going to go ahead and not be afraid to feel, and live to the fullest. this is my heritage, my legacy
initially, legacy was a full song with my more melodic verses. to replace that, eminem delivered three emotional and heart-pounding verses, of course sending the song into the stratosphere
i'm a huge fan of Eminem, I like that he is as an artist diverse and successfully combines different alter-egos. one of my favorite tracks with deep meaning, Stan, is very different from the satirical The Real Slim Shady, yet both are skillfully and expertly made.
it will be difficult for him to repeat the success of the first MMLP, which was a relatively new artist's release at the peak of his popularity. Eminem's wisdom now, after he's had some time out of the public eye, is such that the long-awaited album MMLP2 has reflected a wave of support from fans. I personally liked the album.
if Eminem decides to shoot a video for Legacy, i see it playing out like a movie clip. somewhat like the Stan video, but with a completely new storyline