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DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

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DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

Postby SG. » Jan 13th, '12, 23:02


In a recent interview, DJ Whoo Kid talked about his working relationship with 50 Cent and explained why he’s been fired by Fif 48 times. In spite of his numerous dismissals, Whoo Kid was the resident deejay for Fif and G-Unit for a several years.

According to DJ Whoo Kid, G-Unit brought him on after an incident where the label’s previous deejay was stabbed. “The first DJ got stabbed and left town, went to Tennessee or somewhere. I think it was during that studio situation where the lights got cut off. It was a deejay that got stabbed. When 50′s mixtape came out, they had the tour schedule. They just needed a deejay but at that time, they weren’t interviewing anybody. The trust issue was crazy. So, I was put into G-Unit as the deejay,” explained DJ Whoo Kid.

The deejay has since had a number of opportunities to tour with 50 Cent but his career with G-Unit was not without interruptions as Fif hastily fired him at least 48 times. “I don’t mind getting fired because I guess he’s so used to doing it so much that he gotta keep firing me. You could go on YouTube and see all the countries I got fired from,” explained the deejay.

The interview begins with DJ Whoo Kid demonstrating another of Fif’s unusual management tactics, the smack. According to the deejay, Fif’s smacks aren’t limited to his staff and he’s watched the rapper smack random people on a number of occasions. But he added that while the smacks might be awkward, they’re actually a show of affection. “I didn’t want to fuck up with 50 on stage because during those days, he was ruthless. He was smacking everybody. He was smacking people per day. He was smacking everybody on the bus. If he had nothing to talk about or to do, he would smack random people on the bus. That’s why I stayed in the front with the fucking bus driver,” explained DJ Whoo Kid before adding, “He loves me so it’s like a love smack. But the new niggas was gettin’ wrecked.”

DJ Whoo Kid also briefly explained that he was forced to going into hiding in Canada for a short period of time because he accidentally crossed Eminem. “Along time ago, I leaked an Eminem joint by mistake and they wanted to kill me,” Whoo Kid explained. ... regularly/
Menzo wrote:Lmao, you gotta love Zabe / SG...guy's so underrated.

StayWideAwake wrote:"Naturally handicapped, until proven intentionally retarded"
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Re: DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

Postby Man1x » Mar 2nd, '12, 00:52

HAHA. Love smack?
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Re: DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

Postby Mathers » Mar 7th, '12, 13:35

I love his stories.
Fuck top five, bitch, I'm top four
And that includes Biggie and Pac, whore
And I got an Evil Twin
So who the fuck do you think that third and that fourth spot's for?
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Re: DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

Postby ShadysDisciple » Mar 27th, '12, 23:14

LOL "I leaked an Em joint by accident one time and they wanted to kill me" :laughing:
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Re: DJ Whoo Kid Says He's Been Fired By 50 Cent 48 Times

Postby Bedtime Stories » Apr 24th, '12, 06:25

LMFAO!!! :laughing:
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