A name that probably does not ring a bell in the regular household. He hasn't had a platinum or even gold certification on anything. Today, most likely, he will barely break the one million likes milestone on Facebook, yet, I'm sure, if you walk up to anyone random anywhere, and ask them "Who is Yelawolf?", very few will be able to give you a proper explanation.
Me, a die-hard fan of over 3 years, cannot even give you a true explanation as of yet. He is not an artist that can be truly explained. Is is truly unlike anything I have ever heard before in my many years of listening to various artforms. When I first heard Trunk Muzik 0-60, I never could have predicated that his artistry is where he is at now. And how his last project, Trunk Muzik Returns, is probably the best hip hop project I have heard this year. And I am sure that he has no intent on letting his next album, Love Story, have any less of that same feeling of awe when it finally drops.
Let me tell you about how I discovered Yelawolf.
My friend bought his debut release on Interscope, Trunk Muzik 0-60, during a black friday sale at Best Buy. He literally grabbed a whole bunch of CDs that were on sale, and placed them in his cart to buy.
Yet, he bought so many albums that day, and to him, this project was the one that he enjoyed the most. He seriously encouraged me to check Yelawolf out. So, I did. I went to iTunes and played a snippet from that album, the only snippet I played, was the song title that caught my attention the most, Marijuana. When I heard the chorus, which I recognized sampled an old Nirvana song, I was struck with an honest WTF. "What? Really?? What is this??" I was shocked. I really was. I thought this guy was a rapper, not punk rock artist. I simply dismissed this as just a strange taste in music that my friend had, completely forgot about him.
Later that same song later that month, my friend played that same Marijuana song, and this time, it had me laughing, the way he yelled out "MARRRRRRRIIIIIIIJUUUUUUAAAAANNNNAAAAAAAAAA" was increasingly hilarious. And quickly grew on me. He also played some other songs off the album and I again shocked.. This guy WAS a rapper. But it was his versatility that impressed me the most. He went from a typical rap song, "Daddy's
Lambo", to a punk rock influenced song, "Marijuana", to a raw hip hop track, "I Wish" featuring hip hop vet, Raekwon.
I honestly had to listen to this album. And I did. It was amazing, probably my most played album of that year. I couldn't get enough, I checked his older mixtapes, like the original Trunk Muzik and Balls of Flames, Stereo, and Arena Rap. I really enjoyed the original Trunk Muzik, but Balls of Flames was not really that impressive to me (still isn't) and Stereo... I was not really feeling Stereo that much either, it was not my cup of tea to be hearing a rapper so over classic rock instumentals. And when I heard Arena Rap.. I was like "AWWH HELL NAW, COUNTRY HILL BILLY RAP?!?!? FUCK NO" so I simply erased them all from my laptop except the original Trunk Muzik and Trunk Muzik 0-60, and I PLAYED THE FUCK OUT OF THOSE TAPES. I enjoyed them so much.
Later the next year, I found out that Yelawolf had inked a deal with my favorite rapper, Eminem. This fucking sealed the deal for me. This guy was going to be the new artist I listened to for the rest of the decade. Pure fucking awesomeness for me. I was so fucking hyped with his debut ON SHADY. My favorite record label. Like a dream come true.
When Radioactive dropped, I honesty did not get any of the hate on this album. I FUCKING LOVED IT. Every single track was amazing to me. I honestly did not see any fault with this album. It did not have a collected or cohesive feel, but I didn't care, it was a collection of tracks from what was becoming my favorite rapper, and I enjoyed every track. I also played the living shit out of that album. Then, followed him for the rest of the year 2012, The Slumdon Bridge, with Ed Sheeran (Fucking loved that one too), Heart of Dixie (kinda of a let down for me) and Psycho White (fucking badass), and I couldn't get enough of Yelawolf.
And so, I went back to his older tapes.
When I listened to Stereo for the second time, I honestly can not remember why I didn't enjoy it the first time. It was beautiful to me, I guess it was because I did not understand his artistry at first, but this time around I completely loved it. It was incredible how he could go from something lukewarm like Balls of Flames, to an incredible project like Stereo. Then I listened to Arena Rap for a second time too. And H O L Y S H I T. And the most I listened to how artistic he was, the more Radioactive felt, "Meh.".
His artistry fucking blew me away. I was shocked that I couldn't see why I wasn't feeling those tapes at first. Then it hit me. THIS MAN WAS A TRUE ARTIST UNLIKE ANYTHING BEFORE. He was not another rapper, he was not putting up a gimmick, he was legit. And most likely.. The most underrated artist of out generation. I can place him with the likes of other legends like Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Bob Dylan. Truly unique, never has the world has anyone like him in music, EVER!! And his career has barely started, his best work is still ahead of him.
His latest project, Trunk Muzik Returns only solidified that theory. His passion is mind blowing, from the opening flows on Firestarter, to the passionate yelling on Catfish Billy, to the true love song, Tennessee Love, shows me he has no intent of slowing down. His mindset is incredibly high. He is determined that his next album "Love Story" will be a classic, and if he lives up to the potential that I have seen that he has... Then my body is ready.