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Shady's prime '00

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Shady's prime '00

Postby GenePeer » Jun 19th, '10, 23:55

I just heard the song "Shit On You" and remembered the bunch of songs he released around 2000. He was crazy, the rhyming the flow the things he said, crazy. I'm not saying he isn't as good now. As Eminem, he's just as good, ok almost as good. But as slim shady, NO WHERE CLOSE. I just replayed SSLP and i can't believe there are people who still think Slim Shady will come back. Come on, that character was made when he was all angry at everyone, now he's perspective on life has changed. I didn't believe Eminem when he said Slim Shady is still alive. But I probably have a different definition for slim shady. slim shady, imo, doesn't just mean rapping about crazy stuff like killing/doing drugs/etc. I don't know, it just had something more to it. maybe crazy delivery/flow too. Because i've been listening to his late "slim shady" songs and they don't have the same effect. anyone remember "If I Get Locked Up Tonight", "Hellbound", etc? :( I've come to terms with it and i feel sorry for anyone who still thinks Slim Shady is coming back. But atleast Eminem is still in shape right now :flower: he's the one that i prefer and till now TES is my favorite.
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Re: Shady's prime '00

Postby Emadyville » Jun 20th, '10, 23:13

what is this a review of?

Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that

I love you Daren
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Re: Shady's prime '00

Postby GenePeer » Jun 21st, '10, 09:07

Shady's awesomeness in '00 :whistle:

lol my bad, guess it should have been chit chat but w/e
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