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Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

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Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

Postby Drax207 » Apr 18th, '14, 18:13

I always thought that Stronger Than I Was is a good song, but lately I came to listen to it a lot and realized it was a lot more than that.

At first I thought and wanted to believe that the "Kim perspective" theory was true, but now I don't really care anymore. By being so unclear and blur about who Em is referring in the song, he manages to put the listeners in his shoes and relate to what he's telling, providing that they had some rough relationships ending before. Every word, every lyric of this song is tight, powerful.
Whatever he says, Em can sing and did it greatly here. The rap part is pretty well written, but the hook and the beat are godly and perfect for the subject. :worship:

Em did this track on his own, from scratch and delivered an awesome piece of emotions.
At first I thought that the "uuuh" parts were boring, but it doesn't really bother me anymore. That's anger, sadness, and a little bit of bravery, just enough to eventually recover and move on.
Screw Drake's discography, that's a deep, true, powerful song about love :tounge2:

Plus this song quite mirrors Kim on the first MMLP, violent and clearly personal. I guess that Kim is a better and more memorable song in term of creativity, but STIW kinda show the maturity Em has taken since then

This track is part of the many jewels on MMLP2, and one of my favorite :wub:
Last edited by Drax207 on Apr 18th, '14, 18:40, edited 1 time in total.
My Music Box, #1 Em song              <Insert Insult Here>            #Slumerican

Mr. Porter wrote:
csw621 wrote:
Mr. Porter wrote:I also thought he sounded off-beat.

Porter plz, don't you have a youtube awards performance to fuck up

As a matter of fact I do. Thanks for reminding me.
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Re: Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

Postby cement » Apr 18th, '14, 18:15

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Re: Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

Postby Raul » Apr 18th, '14, 18:17

It is a good track.

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Re: Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

Postby DreicRls » Apr 18th, '14, 21:19

Such a beautiful track, but man it's so looooong
stardd fom da badam nau wui jer
stardd fom da badam nau mai jol tim ids fakin jir

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Re: Stronger Than I Was is such a great track

Postby Mathers » Apr 18th, '14, 22:49

I don't like it, it didn't belong on the album at all.
Fuck top five, bitch, I'm top four
And that includes Biggie and Pac, whore
And I got an Evil Twin
So who the fuck do you think that third and that fourth spot's for?
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