Wic Kid wrote:I cant pick. Sure, the old Eminem is the guy that got me into rap, but new Em has far better multies and flow than the old Em. So I cant pick.
I was thinking, that's a great point someone made about old Em being more focused on content and wit, and new Em being more focused on flow and multiples.
So if Rx2 is laden with relevant and balanced content while
also maintaining (if not furthering) his flow and multiples skill, then that should be the total Eminem package.
Besides that, old Em has Infinite, SSLP, MMLP, TES, and Encore to his name, while new Em only has one comeback album in Relapse. Obviously "old Em" has much stronger credentials as is, so the comparison is nulled until the new album comes out. It really just doesn't make sense to ask before Rx2, because the answer is so, so obvious.