You didn't rate any of the songs under 7. Reveiws are supposed to be honest, critical. Not just a reveiw by someone that loves every single song Eminem puts out. The album is good. But not that. good.
And that's just my opinion. So before eveyone is like FUQ U U DNT KN0 ME AND ST0P HATIN ON EM!!!
The Album isn't the best thing ever. It's just not. I hope to read an honest unbiased opinion at some point.
Are you kidding me? Are you actually saying what I think you're saying? I have literal contempt for people like you.
You clearly do not understand the words and sentences you typed up. How can you accuse a man of being dishonest and subjective via putting your own opinion on a pedestal? You can't provide yourself a safety net by merely saying "it's my opinion". This is especially true when you criticize another man's opinions in the process.
"Hey, you must have biases because you feel that every song is at least a 7/10. I am clearly more level-headed and open-minded than you, because I don't like some of the songs as much as you do. My opinion is more valid because I'm a smarter individual. I make this claim and insinuate my superiority purely off the basis that I disagree with your musical tastes."
You're not the brilliant person you think you are. This post of yours is evidence.